Everyday Guitars #1: Jack and his 1966 Gibson ES-330TD

Everyday Guitars #1: Jack and his 1966 Gibson ES-330TD

Jack McCarthy

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Jack, and I’m a guitarist based here in Melbourne. I also work here at Replay Guitars! I studied music performance at university, and specialise in jazz guitar.

What guitar have you brought today?

I’ve brought in my 1966 Gibson ES-330TD which is my baby and holy grail guitar.

How long have you had it and when was it purchased?

I’ve had it for almost 5 years now, it was purchased back in mid-2019 and shipped all the way here from Chicago Music Exchange. I had been looking for one for a while, and this example ticked all the boxes.

What gravitated you towards this model?

I love the playing of local Melbourne musician Fran Swinn, who has a similar year model. I also loved the early Grant Green records, and knew this was the guitar for me. 

What’s special about this instrument to you?

It’s absolutely beat, and doesn’t 100% function but it just has an immensely woody character and piano-like clarity that I love. It also features a smaller nut width which fits my hand perfectly.

Home, stage or studio?

All three! But my hope is to find a builder to make me something that’s a close equivalent, so I can leave this one at home considering how personally valuable it is to me. 

Hold on or move it down the line?

This guitar is staying with me until the day I pass. It feels like an extension of myself as a person, and would feel like I would be missing something if I was to ever go without it.

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